Institute of Intelligent Systems

nids2023 is held under the auspices of the Institute of Intelligent Systems (IIS). IIS organizes conferences, educational seminars, tutorials and workshops for researchers, academics and business representatives. IIS is the Institute of Intelligent Systems, which examines and studies interdisciplinary science, such as computer technologies, Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning. IIS is the permanent organizer of the Intelligent Tutoring System Conference (ITS) series and of the Brain Function Assessment in Learning (BFAL) series.
EDUTeL Laboratory
nids2023 is launched by the Educational Technology and Electronic e-Learning Systems Laboratory (EDUTeL) of the Department of Informatics and Computer Engineering (ICE) in University of West Attica (UNIWA). EDUTeL Lab is is an important pole of research, development, synergy and excellence in the axes and sub-disciplines of educational technology and learning systems with proven activity in resource recovery European and national programs, organization of international conference representatives, national representation in European and international Standardization-organisms in the field of learning technologies, participation in committees of national training organizations and lifelong learning (Education Policy Institute). The Director of EDUTeL is Prof. Cleo Sgouropoulou.

nids2023 is organized by NEOANALYSIS. NEOANALYSIS is a consulting and event management company established in Athens/Greece. Its aim is to provide specialized services in the field of “human resource development” with a focus on consulting services for the planning, monitoring and evaluation projects and programs, on event management and conference organisation, as well as on projects in the field of education and culture.